Monday, June 18, 2012

COPING with COPYING!......“Bad artists copy. Good artists steal.” -Pablo Picasso

I think you can have moderate success by copying something else, but if you really want to knock it out of the park, you have to do something different and take chances.
Lee Ann Womack

Always think that in any area of the arts, you get maybe ten percent of people who are creative, original... and the rest are generally following on, copying.
Hugh Hopper

It's a question of not copying the masters, to look for something, good or bad, for oneself. To enter this liberated state of mind, one cannot copy the others.
Nathalie Sarraute

Given that you'll never be able to prevent copying, the question is, what can you do to minimize it? What can you do to make consumers happy enough with legitimate use of the system that they'll be willing to pay for it?
Edward Felten

Pablo Picasso 
William Blake
Tom Peters
Wilson Mizner

Well, much has been said!.......... I have copied...... and I will still copy.......... because when I did better than the ORIGINAL.........  that's when I get to HEAVEN!

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