Friday, June 22, 2012

The ONE King in the world of McQueens!

THE ONE TO BEAT... a headline in the style section of the Philippine Star!
Sounds like a "threat".... a "dare"... a "battle cry"!
Would anyone dare to CHALLENGE a haute couture master!

His dresses have this eerie resemblance to the creations of another fashion icon... the legendary... the late Alexander McQueen! In fact, he dedicated his just concluded runway presentation in Manila as a tribute, among anything else, to him.
He's very PROUD to accept that comparison, almost with an embarrassed smile that seems to mean that he's not considering himself as there YET!......... But certainly not so far either.

It's an unusual sight when a creator of a collection of marvelous masterpieces speaks and acts in a very humble way. Worthy of boasting a whole lot about his achievements being the reason for the spectacular looks of the most sought after celebrities of our time. The aesthetic aspects of his pieces are beyond beautiful. Add to that the masterful craftmanships that's undeniable having a closer inspection of his fabulously extravagant works. 

We can only watch with all admiration and pride the evolution of  this beautiful individual's career as it blossoms before our eyes... In retrospect, he is still in the process of climbing to a much higher position in the field of high fashion. Far from his peak, but what a very impressive sets of credentials he has amassed so far.
The most important thing is that he is as 'normal' a person as he is when he is ACTUALLY "NOT"... anymore.

CONGRATULATIONS... not only for your recent successes, but for making the Filipinos very very proud! 
I always wanted to tag him "the KING of McQueens"!

As for the "challenge",,, we can see that there are a number of "pretenders" as well!... Seriously brilliant designers  with fresh and modern visions paired with high level of creativity. The Competition is stiff but healthy!

So far he's leading the cream of the crop...

FURNE......... THE ONE................ THE ONLY!

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